I'm hoping this blog will be a place to announce and provide information to all of you. In addition, please post on these entries - questions or whatever. I'm here to help in any way I can, so please just communicate and give me feedback! It may help to post your questions here in case others have the same question or thought. But of course, you can always email me at info@thinkpinkphotography.org if needed.
You should have received your Welcome Packet information at this point. Please read through and let me know if you have any questions.
Also few things to point out:
- DO NOT sign up for the newsletter on the Think Pink blog or website - you will receive both the mailings for the Photographer Network and the mailings the general public receives.
- Please double check the Network listing - that was a lot to type and I'm sure I made mistakes. Please check the spelling of your information, the location, and that your link works properly. Email any changes to me rather than posting here please - will just help my workflow to have it all in one place.
- I'm responding to emails quickly at this point, but my photography business is also very busy this month. I should be able to reply within a day, but if you don't hear from me after 3 days, you may want to contact me again in case the message wasn't received.
Tennille King
I added this to bloglines, so I will never miss a post now! :)
Thanks for all of YOUR hardwork!
Thank YOU Tenille! I am really excited to be a part of this, and can't wait to be contacted.
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